2025 Events Almost all events are free to attend, reservations are greatly encouraged as noted. Just click on the link provided in the description. You will automatically be redirected to: www.olivetteparksandrec.com/olivette-in-bloom-winter-program-series.html to easily enroll in these fun and educational events held at Five Oaks on Warson as noted.
Yoga for Gardeners Saturday, February 8, 9AM to 10AM Yoga Instructor: Beth Campbell Event Location: Five Oaks on Warson Price: FREE REGISTER HEREto reserve mat space Come stretch and strengthen specific body areas (such as hips, knees, back and arms) used for planting, weeding, and pruning in a garden. This gentle yoga session will self-massage muscles and relax you. And, this exercise session is free!
Get The Dirt on Soil Friday, February 21, 7PM to 8PM Instructor: Betsy Alexander, Master Gardener Event Location: Five Oaks on Warson Price: FREE REGISTER HERE Want to grow plants successfully? Learn how to prepare garden soil before putting those expensive plants in the ground. Discover how to test appropriately for water retention so you can properly feed your garden the moisture needed for plants to thrive.
Composting 101 Wednesday, March 26, 7PM to 8PM Instructor: Kate Pichon-Hellman, Master Gardener & President, Olivette Sustainability Advocates Event Location: Five Oaks on Warson Price: FREE REGISTER HERE Learn the basics of food and yard waste composting. Discussions will include what should and should not go into your compost bin, tips for managing your compost, and how to use finished compost in your garden. This is an interactive workshop featuring examples of compost and composting systems. Speaker Kate Pichon-Hellmann is a Master Gardener and sustainability educator who has been composting for over 15 years.
Olivette In Bloom 2025 Kick-Off Breakfast Saturday, April 5, 8AM to 9AM Event Location: Five Oaks on Warson Price: FREE REGISTER HERE Grab a light breakfast: coffee or tea, pastries, and fresh fruit. Then learn about volunteering with Olivette in Bloom. Established in 2001, Olivette in Bloom assists in beautifying our city by tending public garden areas and offering gardening programs for the public. After breakfast, join volunteers for an hour or two in one of our gardens for a typical Workday held just one Saturday a month from April through November. This is an opportunity to meet neighbors and contribute to your community.
From Seed to Seed Friday, April 25, 6:30PM to 8:30PM Presentator: Michael Hoyle, Missouri Wildlife Nursery Event Location: Five Oaks on Warson Price: FREE REGISTER HERE Learn from a veteran seed grower, Michael Hoyle. He will share how to identify plants through "plant morphology". This approach considers a plant's physical form and external structure such as leaf, stem, flower and fruit features. Michael will then discuss methods for harvesting, cleaning, storing and treatment of perennial seeds before planting. This workshop is held the night before OIB’s Annual Native Plant Sale and general questions about native plant benefits are encouraged. Master Gardeners and OIB Volunteers will be present to speak about the organization and gardening.
Olivette in Bloom Annual Native Plant Sale Saturday April 26, 9AM until Sold Out Event Location: Five Oaks on Warson Open to the Public!! No Registration Needed Olivette In Bloom will offer approximately 700 native plants at low cost. Start or augment your home garden with plants specifically ideal for the St. Louis environment. Native plants use less water, complement the ecosystem of this region and support insects helpful to our planet. Additionally, Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions about care and feeding of plants and answer general gardening questions. We accept cash or cards. Typically, OIB sells out early, so don’t be late!
Harvesting and Cooking with Herbs Workshop Saturday, May 17, 2025, 10AM to 11AM Instructor: Jackie Reynolds, The Webster Grove Herb Society Cost: $15/per person REGISTER HERE Event Location: Five Oaks on Warson Enjoy a yummy workshop demonstrating how to incorporate herbs and native garden plants to make delicious teas, soups and even desserts. Our guest speaker will teach the proper way to gather and preserve herbaceous plants. Participants will sample herbal teas along with pre-prepared herbaceous-infused dishes.
OIB Gardens' Tour Saturday, June 21, 2025, 9AM to 11AM Docents: Olivette in Bloom Garden Captains and Members Cost: FREE REGISTER HERE Event Location: Stacy Park (2 Gardens), Veterans Plaza and Grandview Get an overview of the plants and trees that Olivette in Bloom volunteers assist in planting and tending in Olivette public spaces. Learn why these plants were used, how they have matured, care and feeding guidelines, climate concerns and the bio-diversity of the gardens. You can discover if some of these plants might be a great addition to your home garden. Four gardens: Stacy Park Welcome, Stacy Park Pond, Veterans Plaza, and Grandview. Maps and parking options provided to registrants via email prior to tour date.
Past Events (We hope you enjoyed these past events. OIB had a grand time hosting them!)
Designing with Nature in Mind Workshop Held Friday, October 18, 2024 Guest Speaker: Betty Struckhoff This was a FREE event at Five Oaks on Warson Betty Struckhoff, a Master Gardner since 1999, presented design-ideas incorporating our natural Missouri habitat. Betty has helped create native landscapes in public spaces and private gardens. Her St Louis home is landscaped-certified “Platinum” in the Bring Conservation Home (BCH) program. She is past winner of the Post Dispatch, “Best Native Garden”, and an active member of the “Wild Ones Natural Landscapers”.
2nd Annual Porch Pot Workshop Held Friday, November 15, 2024 Presenters: Phyllis Hershey and Mary Lynn Brophy, OIB Board Members Cost: $15/per person and held at Five Oaks on Warson We decorated for the holidays! Attendees brought a pot/vessel/bowl plus favorite scissors and/or clippers to create a HOLIDAY PORCH POT or DOOR SWAG. Nnatural dried materials collected by Olivette’s Horticulturist from our community’s parks and trails (assorted branches, berries, pinecones, evergreens and more) were incorporated in designs. And personalized touches were used from attendees décor-matching ribbons, twinkling lights, dried flowers or a living plant.
Invasive Species in our Yards Jean Ponzi, Green Resources Manager, Earthways Center - MOBOT gave an entertaining presentation on how to remove and control various invasive species. Afterward participants took a stroll on the Sassafras Trail (adjacent to the community center) where Brian Azcona, Olivette Parks and Rec Horticulturist explained trail clearing and maintenance.
Design a Small Native Garden Workshop The night before OIB's Annual Native Plant Sale we co-hosted a workshop to provide benefits of starting a native garden on a small scale for the novice gardener. Presenters were: Whitney Tucker, Jasmine Fazzari and special guest speaker Mike Hoyle of Missouri Wildflower Nursery.
Treemendous Olivette hosted by Olivette Sustainability Advocates Olivette in Bloom enjoys working with other Olivette and community organizations on workshops and events to benefit the life and breadth of our community. In April we worked with Olivette Sustainability Advocates who spearheaded Treemendous Olivette. OAS also partnered with the Olivette Parks and Rec Department, Forest ReLeaf, the Missouri Department of Conservation and Planting Shade, a student organization of the Ladue Horton Watkins High School. This initiative resulted in 55 new saplings for private and public locations.
Old Bonhomme PTO Garden Team and Olivette in Bloom joined for a night of fun creating stunning winter porch pots and door swags using seasonal branches, greenery, and decorations. Workshop was only $15 to create a pot or swag. Photos below capture this holiday inspiring and entertaining evening!
Natural materials were gathered from Olivette parks by the Olivette Horticulturalist, Brian Azcona., for workshop participants to use for their creations. Meanwhile, Workshop Leader, Whitney Tucker, gave tips on how to use these materials.
Participants, using their own pots, enjoyed using magnolia leaves, dried bee balm pods, fonds from large grass plants, boxwood trimmings, birch logs and other natural materials --what materials might be in your own backyard?
Adults, and a creative young man, had fun choosing their favorite natural materials and securing that with twine to create various door and table swags.
Meanwhile, below are more results of porch pots created in less than 2 hours!! What a relaxing atmosphere at Five Oaks on Warson to help set the tone for enjoying a fun event!